Wednesday 23 November 2011


Gah. I've been ill for about a week now and my sinusitis is showing no interest in departing. I have a Royal College of Music audition on the 29th November and I don't think I can physically go. There's no way on earth I could sing to them right now so I'm praying that it all goes away by the weekend. I'm going to the doctor's on Friday.
Meanwhile, I have been watching a hell of a lot of Glee, Qi and The Simpsons to fill my vacuous days and also playing some gymnopédies and gnossiennes on the piano. <. It is unbelievable how relaxing those pieces are. I've developed a cough as well. :/ The worst thing is, is that I want to go out and go shopping. There are so many new trends hitting shops ready for winter and I can't snatch them! Wait a minute... Winter? Where did autumn go? 31 days I hear you say? 31 days until Christmas!!! This calls for a severe countdown.
Thank you for bearing my rant so graciously. Next post deserves as wee River Island rummage.
Please check out my YouTube channels: (in progress)
Also follow me on twitter: @davidona

Sunday 13 November 2011


So to all the few who frequently check my blog, may I just apologize profusely for the lack of posts? I've unfortunately been really busy with auditions and haven't had much time for me. Well, today folks is your lucky day. I've landed back on Planet Earth and my blab is back.
So a couple of things that I have been up to:

Despite auditions, I still have had the chance to pop into Boots for a cheeky wee nail polish raid. Usually I go for Model's Own but picked up a Revlon instead. First Revlon I have ever owned, and it sparkles!

I also got emails from all the major conservatoires in the UK telling me when my auditions were! I have the Royal College of Music on the 29th of November. The Royal Northern College of Music on the 7th of December, The Royal Academy of Music on the 8th of December and The Guildhall School of Music and Drama on the 9th of December! Gee Wizz!

I also had my Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (formerly known as RSAMD) on the 7th of November. It went really well even though it was a short audition and now I'm awaiting the results. I really hope I get in and lots of other people have got decisions already from the institution and I'm still waiting at home for my decision to come through. Golly!

Anyway, that's a bit of what I have been up to and my next post will hopefully be soon and full of fashion. Have a good Sunday! xx