Monday 3 June 2013

The 30 Day Snap | Snap #1, #2 and err... #3

Sprinkleofglitter aka Louise has started the 30 Day Snap where you upload a photo from your day for every day of June. Although I am 3 days late (yes, my punctuality just keeps getting worse and worse!) I thought I'd give it a go and hopefully it will help with getting back into updating my blog more often. I hope you enjoy a little slice of my day for the next month. Here are 2 extra snaps to make up for the missed days: 

Me being a cheeky friend taking a snap of Tim (unbeknown to him) tucking into a sandwich. We're desperately waiting for our exam results... which never came.
A new summer smoothie I picked up, wasn't sure at first but it's actually rather tasty. Also tried Red Sky crisps at the same time. Cor blimey they're tasty.
Another one of my frequent silly faces I made while standing in a very crowded Subway station waiting for a train. Tired, suffering from sore feet and an empty tummy after having bought my sister a little graduation present.

Hope you enjoyed these snaps! Thanks again guys and as always Take care x

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