Sunday 16 October 2011

Heads Up.

It feels like an absolute age since my last blog but to be fair it is only a week. My blog hasn't been that great so far and I know why. My life isn't exciting enough! So while I'm off trying to make my personal life better; I'm writing about designers, beauty, fashion, clothes, music, films, entertainment, anything. Obviously there hopefully will be the occasional post about my life, but that's okay because some days things that happen are interesting and other days they're not. So this is a ^^ heads up ^^ saying that my blog is just about to get a hell of a lot better!
I've been drafting since my last post but everything that I write just seems boring and useless. So I've created a new regime. SERIES. I'm going to start off with a shoe series as I was looking at an advertised website with 65-70% discount off designer shoes. There are some adorable pairs at which I thought I'd talk about. Plus I'm a sucker for beauty and cool gadgets that have just come out. Plus off the radar musicians. I especially love songs that I find while watching films or TV shows. So if you stay tuned I'll be writing about all these things and if I get enough readers then maybe you'll start requesting. That would be nice. :)

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