Friday 30 September 2011

What an odd turn of events

I'm absolutely exhausted and it's only 9:30pm. My last post was on the 24th of September and even though all I wanted to do was curl up in bed I persuaded myself to write my blog. I'm getting no comments and I have only one follower, but something told me that these page views and comments don't happen overnight (unless you're Stephen Fry) and so eyelids drooping, concentration lacking, I still bothered to put fingers to keys rather than pen to paper.
Quite a bit has happened over the past week-ish. I sent off CUKAS, Guildhall and Royal Academy, and now all I have to do is wait for audition confirmation. Oo-er. This is really happening. I'm quite nervous and petrified to be honest. So I'll give you a brief summary of the week so far. On Sunday, I relaxed as much as I could then went to bed realising that I hadn't analysed a poem for Monday. On Monday, I realised once more that it was a extended weekend holiday and therefore would miss poetry. Wahaay! On Tuesday... Eugh I can't go on a I'm pretty sure (if anyone's reading this) that you can't be bothered either! I tried water marbling the other day and I think it came out rather well! (you can make your own mind up about that :) )

Saturday 24 September 2011

20% is heaven sent.

So I popped round to RCS for a mock audition today and at 16:25 when that shindig was finally over, I scooted over to Topshop praying that the 20% discount for all students was on. Hey presto! Ended up getting these overly cute thigh high socks in a cool burgundy for £4.80 which for Topshop is pretty beast. Even went to Topman with my friend Bob as he wanted a new tee and I had to pick one out for him. There wasn't much there that took my fancy, I usually trot over to the jewellery as they usually have really nice rings but not today. Actually had a fit when the lady at the till said 20% off was only for Topman...
Grabbed lunch from Boots today as natural since it is so blooming cheap. Got this really odd smoothie that has 3 1/2 apples, 1 banana, 2/3 kiwi, 1/3 mango, 1 slice of pineapple and...wait for it... blue green algae. It thought that was the most poisonous form of algae. Confused. Anyway, despite the horrific colour this smoothie tastes absolutely delicious. So don't judge a smoothie by its casing. Go on, stop playing chicken.

Friday 23 September 2011

Nail Fail

It's a bit iffy outside. Wet with that earthy smell - as usual. I watched The A-Team for the first time last night. Wasn't too bad and I must admit Bradley Cooper has a very nice torso but it didn't quite hit the right spot for me. Action films have never been my ideal evening cuddle up film.
I'm trying to persuade myself to go out today but I'm really not feeling it. I thought I would take my dog to the Botanics or go shopping but it's already 1pm and I don't like going shopping in the afternoon. I have RCS Juniors (all explained in 'Me (just in case)') tomorrow afternoon which is in town so I might just go shopping then instead. Painted my nails though. 
Went for a midnight purple called 'Vivid Purple 161' from Barry M as the base coat and then used 'Blue Glitter 297' for a glitter gradient look. Didn't quite workout and I'm not sure I'm digging bright blue over dark purple. :/ However, the two colours separately look really nice and I know for a fact unlike the green lipstick, Barry M still sells them :) 
They are priced at £2.99 each which for amazing quality and coverage is an unbeatable price. I don't want to sound like one of those adverts, but seriously think about trying their nail polish if you haven't already. Hey, ho. Lunch calls. 

Thursday 22 September 2011

HOLIDAY and Quavers

It's Thursday and it's a holiday!!! I found a beautiful lipstick that I haven't used in ages and the amazing thing is, the green turns pink when warm so you get this beautiful and v. flattering hot pink. Wanted to do a couple of beauty or fashion posts so this is my first more or less. Preeeeetty.
It's Barry M called Touch of Magic in Green (though it only comes in one colour) :p I think it really complements blondes to mouse to chestnut very well. Anyway, we finished school today and were in town (because of a commemoration service shindig) so naturally and pelted towards Topshop and I don't want too many pictures on this post, but may I just say that the jewellery and jumpers and coats and headwear on show was delicious. Plus if you live in Glasgow, they have 20% off limited discount for students. HURRAH! I'm rushing there on Saturday. Below is another photo which I thought was kinda cute. Have a nice day :)
Sorry folks, I don't think Barry M has it any longer but you might find it on eBay. However, they do actually stock a *real* green lipstick on their website, and a blue one!

Monday 19 September 2011

Hello All, woe is me for loving crisps.

Might not be able to blog for a week or so, so popped up one now. Hope you're all doing well (anyone who actually reads my blog which I think is very few:( ) Got approached for another solo today by my 6th year adviser - the legendary, hilarious, tiny, german/french teaching Mr. Bennie - who asked me to do a wee cantata at Christmas. I also have another gig to sing a carol and a big church event at Christmas also so goodness knows how I'm going to fit those in during my auditions (everything about that is explained in 'Me') I'm proper stressing about the CUKAS application and the auditions but hopefully will do well. Just ate two packets of crisps then realised I had one this morning. Oh help, I love them sooooooooo much. < I'm quite repulsed by my lack of self control. P.S. << That could be were I'm studying in less than a years time!!!

Sunday 18 September 2011

Happy Sunday

Yesterday was tough. I'm not gonna lie. But I think I'll put it all in 'About' instead of polluting this post with bad vibes. I've got a few images to put up which I just think are pretty and this is going to be quite laid back. I've recently got into watching ellen with Ellen DeGeneres. Not her talk show which I do like but her t.v. show that made her so big. She's so funny! It's 9:59am right now and I'm just relaxing in my favourite mustard jumper with Taylor Swift on my vintage patterned sheets which could be vintage bought as well! (They've been washed and used since I was teeny tiny!) The picture of the girl that I put up is just an outfit that I like so I drew it (what I often do :p) Anyway, I hope you all have a good day. I'm out to lunch with my friend at 1ish and then off to see Jane Eyre. Might pick up something at Vintage Guru. xx
195 Byres Road
Glasgow G12 8TN
0141 339 4750

Thursday 15 September 2011

Urban Outfitters and Head (not what you think, cheeky)

I said I would mention Urban Outfitters at some point and right enough I'm doing so now. After a school day lacking in vigour and amusement I strode home and hopped on the ole internet for a quick browse. Urban have got so many luuuuuurvely new things and please check out the website (link down under). I had a look at the New In stock and found this divine duffle coat. It's such a shame that it's so expensive. Which got me thinking... American Apparel doesn't have prices as high as that which made me realise that I was looking at Urban instead of American Apparel! What a noob. Do you ever do that? Type something into Google, meaning it to be something else and then only just realising after a proper 5 minutes? ... Okey dokey, just me then. There is absolutely no possible way I can afford that coat so this Sunday I'm off to Oxfam. So lame but that's life.
With regards to 'Head'; I don't mean the sexual act given to a human of the male species. I actually mean Michael Head the composer. (I know, totally agree; really unfortunate surname. Which I found out suddenly after singing some of his pieces during my singing lesson and then gazing into the distance saying 'I love head'. Oo-er. Bad move). In fact I just wanted to share my love for one of his really sophisticated and beautiful pieces. 'The Singer'. Hellish rhythm and mean time signature; but one of the most delightful stories to date.

Monday 12 September 2011

Our hurricanes are lame.

So you think hurricanes occur in the Caribbean and America? Right? Wrong. According to BBC News, Ireland and the north west of Scotland on September 11th 2011 were to be hit by Hurricane Katia. So you can believe the immense excitement of grubby fourteen year old boys as they headed off to school and the sheer fear of their parents. It was neither one or the other for me, hurricane? Meh.
At school today, it was more or less monsoon season. The rain fell in unwelcome vats and every girl at my school had their kilts whipped up at some time during the day, but there was no real difference to the normal september/october day in the west of Scotland. I had a friend once who came back from a tropical jungle during the summer and said that the monsoon season there was better than in Glasgow!
So unfortunately, no terrifying cones of wind circled the coast and no houses were ripped apart, - not that that would have been a good thing - just a couple of bins fell over and there were occasional roof creaks. The normal day at school... except I got a lollipop when I arrived home.

Sunday 11 September 2011

The Overdue Roast

No matter how hard I try it seems impossible to come up with a decent name for this magnificent wall of words. A large number of pathetic names have crossed my mind and the consumption of prawn cocktail crisps, coffee and the tuneful notes of Yasmin aren't helping much. I attempted to snaffle Lily Melrose's idea 'LLYMLRS' from but I knew that was possibly bordering on fraud! So as she took her name from her email address, I took my title from mine. Hahahah. Awful. I'm hoping as time passes and creative juices start to flow I will invent a better title but generally it's not the title, it's what is inside that counts. So I hope what I am writing is good banter. 

But to henceforth commence with the overdue roast. As tradition stands, each British family after a brisk walk to church sits down and devours a chicken and vegetable clad spread with animated chatter. This has been frequently avoided during my sundays in this house but today - while my poor friends are team building in the glacial waters of Loch Lomond - I am reveling in a delicious sunday roast.

12:00pm - waiting patiently for lunch.
13:30pm - watching Keeping Up Appearances to numb hunger.
13:56pm - getting fidgety
14:21pm - Lunch awaits!

Saturday 10 September 2011

Blunt. Short. Sweet. Davidona.

I like writing. Simple as. I'm a 17 year old blonde. I don't smoke. I'm single. And have my life planned out in front of me until the age of thirty. Pathetic. But the way I like to live. I like Urban Outfitters - which I hope will appear a lot more in this blog soon - and every single time I walk into Topshop, I could buy everything inside. I don't have a lot of money so I find bargains where I can and weep when walking away from a reduced pair of Christian Louboutins in Frasers
I sing. That's the first aspect of me that you'll hear from anybody who knows me well and that I'm pretty damn good at it. That coming from their mouths rather than mine. I live in Glasgow. Would like to live in London for a bit which might happen within in a year. Who knows? So keep reading. I'll try and blog as much as possible and hopefully will still be talking to you in a year!