Thursday 22 September 2011

HOLIDAY and Quavers

It's Thursday and it's a holiday!!! I found a beautiful lipstick that I haven't used in ages and the amazing thing is, the green turns pink when warm so you get this beautiful and v. flattering hot pink. Wanted to do a couple of beauty or fashion posts so this is my first more or less. Preeeeetty.
It's Barry M called Touch of Magic in Green (though it only comes in one colour) :p I think it really complements blondes to mouse to chestnut very well. Anyway, we finished school today and were in town (because of a commemoration service shindig) so naturally and pelted towards Topshop and I don't want too many pictures on this post, but may I just say that the jewellery and jumpers and coats and headwear on show was delicious. Plus if you live in Glasgow, they have 20% off limited discount for students. HURRAH! I'm rushing there on Saturday. Below is another photo which I thought was kinda cute. Have a nice day :)
Sorry folks, I don't think Barry M has it any longer but you might find it on eBay. However, they do actually stock a *real* green lipstick on their website, and a blue one!

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