Monday 12 September 2011

Our hurricanes are lame.

So you think hurricanes occur in the Caribbean and America? Right? Wrong. According to BBC News, Ireland and the north west of Scotland on September 11th 2011 were to be hit by Hurricane Katia. So you can believe the immense excitement of grubby fourteen year old boys as they headed off to school and the sheer fear of their parents. It was neither one or the other for me, hurricane? Meh.
At school today, it was more or less monsoon season. The rain fell in unwelcome vats and every girl at my school had their kilts whipped up at some time during the day, but there was no real difference to the normal september/october day in the west of Scotland. I had a friend once who came back from a tropical jungle during the summer and said that the monsoon season there was better than in Glasgow!
So unfortunately, no terrifying cones of wind circled the coast and no houses were ripped apart, - not that that would have been a good thing - just a couple of bins fell over and there were occasional roof creaks. The normal day at school... except I got a lollipop when I arrived home.

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