Saturday 24 September 2011

20% is heaven sent.

So I popped round to RCS for a mock audition today and at 16:25 when that shindig was finally over, I scooted over to Topshop praying that the 20% discount for all students was on. Hey presto! Ended up getting these overly cute thigh high socks in a cool burgundy for £4.80 which for Topshop is pretty beast. Even went to Topman with my friend Bob as he wanted a new tee and I had to pick one out for him. There wasn't much there that took my fancy, I usually trot over to the jewellery as they usually have really nice rings but not today. Actually had a fit when the lady at the till said 20% off was only for Topman...
Grabbed lunch from Boots today as natural since it is so blooming cheap. Got this really odd smoothie that has 3 1/2 apples, 1 banana, 2/3 kiwi, 1/3 mango, 1 slice of pineapple and...wait for it... blue green algae. It thought that was the most poisonous form of algae. Confused. Anyway, despite the horrific colour this smoothie tastes absolutely delicious. So don't judge a smoothie by its casing. Go on, stop playing chicken.


  1. Blue Green algae is actually pretty fabulous stuff. My family takes it in capsules. My mom uses it instead of caffeine if she needs to stay awake--and she says 3-4 capsules will keep her up all night if she takes them in the afternoon. :)

    And here I thought it was going to be a more traditional green smoothie with just spinach or kale. blue green algae for the win!

  2. By the way, it's thoroughly entertaining to read a blog from the other side of the pond. I am familiar with the difference in slang, but it still catches me off guard. "Presto" and "pretty beast" just have me giggling away over here. (I used to get the same thing from an Aussie blog I used to read, but she's stopped writing so obviously I'm no longer reading there.)

  3. hahaha i'm so glad you find it amusing! I try quite hard to make it stand out a bit and having comments is really uplifting and pretty beast! So which part of the pond do you come from? :)
