Sunday 18 September 2011

Happy Sunday

Yesterday was tough. I'm not gonna lie. But I think I'll put it all in 'About' instead of polluting this post with bad vibes. I've got a few images to put up which I just think are pretty and this is going to be quite laid back. I've recently got into watching ellen with Ellen DeGeneres. Not her talk show which I do like but her t.v. show that made her so big. She's so funny! It's 9:59am right now and I'm just relaxing in my favourite mustard jumper with Taylor Swift on my vintage patterned sheets which could be vintage bought as well! (They've been washed and used since I was teeny tiny!) The picture of the girl that I put up is just an outfit that I like so I drew it (what I often do :p) Anyway, I hope you all have a good day. I'm out to lunch with my friend at 1ish and then off to see Jane Eyre. Might pick up something at Vintage Guru. xx
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0141 339 4750

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