Monday 19 September 2011

Hello All, woe is me for loving crisps.

Might not be able to blog for a week or so, so popped up one now. Hope you're all doing well (anyone who actually reads my blog which I think is very few:( ) Got approached for another solo today by my 6th year adviser - the legendary, hilarious, tiny, german/french teaching Mr. Bennie - who asked me to do a wee cantata at Christmas. I also have another gig to sing a carol and a big church event at Christmas also so goodness knows how I'm going to fit those in during my auditions (everything about that is explained in 'Me') I'm proper stressing about the CUKAS application and the auditions but hopefully will do well. Just ate two packets of crisps then realised I had one this morning. Oh help, I love them sooooooooo much. < I'm quite repulsed by my lack of self control. P.S. << That could be were I'm studying in less than a years time!!!

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