Thursday 15 September 2011

Urban Outfitters and Head (not what you think, cheeky)

I said I would mention Urban Outfitters at some point and right enough I'm doing so now. After a school day lacking in vigour and amusement I strode home and hopped on the ole internet for a quick browse. Urban have got so many luuuuuurvely new things and please check out the website (link down under). I had a look at the New In stock and found this divine duffle coat. It's such a shame that it's so expensive. Which got me thinking... American Apparel doesn't have prices as high as that which made me realise that I was looking at Urban instead of American Apparel! What a noob. Do you ever do that? Type something into Google, meaning it to be something else and then only just realising after a proper 5 minutes? ... Okey dokey, just me then. There is absolutely no possible way I can afford that coat so this Sunday I'm off to Oxfam. So lame but that's life.
With regards to 'Head'; I don't mean the sexual act given to a human of the male species. I actually mean Michael Head the composer. (I know, totally agree; really unfortunate surname. Which I found out suddenly after singing some of his pieces during my singing lesson and then gazing into the distance saying 'I love head'. Oo-er. Bad move). In fact I just wanted to share my love for one of his really sophisticated and beautiful pieces. 'The Singer'. Hellish rhythm and mean time signature; but one of the most delightful stories to date.

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