Sunday 11 September 2011

The Overdue Roast

No matter how hard I try it seems impossible to come up with a decent name for this magnificent wall of words. A large number of pathetic names have crossed my mind and the consumption of prawn cocktail crisps, coffee and the tuneful notes of Yasmin aren't helping much. I attempted to snaffle Lily Melrose's idea 'LLYMLRS' from but I knew that was possibly bordering on fraud! So as she took her name from her email address, I took my title from mine. Hahahah. Awful. I'm hoping as time passes and creative juices start to flow I will invent a better title but generally it's not the title, it's what is inside that counts. So I hope what I am writing is good banter. 

But to henceforth commence with the overdue roast. As tradition stands, each British family after a brisk walk to church sits down and devours a chicken and vegetable clad spread with animated chatter. This has been frequently avoided during my sundays in this house but today - while my poor friends are team building in the glacial waters of Loch Lomond - I am reveling in a delicious sunday roast.

12:00pm - waiting patiently for lunch.
13:30pm - watching Keeping Up Appearances to numb hunger.
13:56pm - getting fidgety
14:21pm - Lunch awaits!

1 comment:

  1. good luck with finding a name :) following you now
    please follow back xxx
