Friday 30 September 2011

What an odd turn of events

I'm absolutely exhausted and it's only 9:30pm. My last post was on the 24th of September and even though all I wanted to do was curl up in bed I persuaded myself to write my blog. I'm getting no comments and I have only one follower, but something told me that these page views and comments don't happen overnight (unless you're Stephen Fry) and so eyelids drooping, concentration lacking, I still bothered to put fingers to keys rather than pen to paper.
Quite a bit has happened over the past week-ish. I sent off CUKAS, Guildhall and Royal Academy, and now all I have to do is wait for audition confirmation. Oo-er. This is really happening. I'm quite nervous and petrified to be honest. So I'll give you a brief summary of the week so far. On Sunday, I relaxed as much as I could then went to bed realising that I hadn't analysed a poem for Monday. On Monday, I realised once more that it was a extended weekend holiday and therefore would miss poetry. Wahaay! On Tuesday... Eugh I can't go on a I'm pretty sure (if anyone's reading this) that you can't be bothered either! I tried water marbling the other day and I think it came out rather well! (you can make your own mind up about that :) )

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