Wednesday 19 June 2013

My Summer List

This summer so far has been a little bit of a struggle. Most of my friends are off home or away doing other things and I've been quite lonely and spending a lot of time stuck in my house feeling incredibly bored and a bit useless. 

It really hit me this morning as I was finishing yet another episode of Dinnerladies, that nothing was going to change if I didn't get up and do something, so I made a Summer Bucket List. I decided to write down all the things I wanted to do this summer and hopefully by the time I roll into 2nd year I will have completed them all. 

There's a selection of small fry activities and big steps for me so I'm interested how I'll manage it. The rule is the list can get bigger but not any smaller which I think makes it more scary but exciting! I'm not going to lie, I'm a teensy weensy bit scared but today I already picked up an application form for Oxfam and applied for a job at Starbucks! And do you know what guys? I feel so much better and really quite proud of myself :)

Do any of you find it difficult to start new things on your own? If you've got a summer holiday that isn't filled with much I'd love it if you'd try it and I'd love to hear how you guys gets on. I hope you all have a splendid holiday and if I keep to my list, I'll chat to you guys very soon!

As always, Take care x 

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