Sunday 9 June 2013

The 30 Day Snap | Snap #8 + #9

Due to some really aggravating technical difficulties, (oh why didn't I just get an iPhone?!) I'm late with my June snaps but I hope you'll forgive me and enjoy them anyway.

Left to right: Shanghai Sling, Opium's Den. These cocktails were literally delicious and it was my Birthday that day so I really enjoyed it and it was boiling hot weather and a beautiful day. We went to a lovely Oriental restaurant in town called Opium. I turned 19 and I will always remember that birthday, it was so much fun :)
This was taken yesterday and I have no idea why I look so unhappy! I must have been concentrating or something haha. But this jumpsuit is from Ted Baker, I absolutely adore it but I'm going to come back and actually buy it because it was a whopping price and I'd like to get back into exercising and toning my legs before I wear it out.

I hope you enjoyed these snaps regardless of the time *slaps wrist* and I shall endeavour to be more punctual! Thanks for reading guys. Take care x

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