Thursday 26 September 2013


I've been shopping at Lush for years but I've never tried any of the face masks. They have such a lovely selection tailored to specific facial needs and I can't believe I haven't tried any of them before since there is such a poor selection of face masks in the drugstore. 

As a teenager I have annoying hormonal skin. I mean who doesn't at that age! And spots just pop up in random places on my face all the time. I consulted a lovely girl at Lush and she advised me to choose Cosmetic Warrior which I'd actually coincidentally had my eye on. It's a lovely gentle mask that combats spots and soothes hormonal redness. It has fresh garlic, tea tree and kaolin as well as the magic ingredient honey. It is so cooling and creamy and hardens after 10 or so minutes. I do sometimes find the garlic a little over powering but it really is such a brilliant face mask. It reduces spots and soothes the redness and also leaves skin glowing and feeling completely and utterly replenished. Bliss.

I'm really in love with this face mask and it lasts approximately three uses. For best results, it's best to keep it in the fridge as this keeps it cool and since it is essentially filled with natural ingredients the fridge keeps the ingredients active for longer. If you return five of these empty tubs to Lush you actually get a free face mask!

Have any of you guys tried this face mask? Or any others from Lush? Let me know!

Take care x

Wednesday 25 September 2013


So, I think some of you guys know, but I am currently studying classical singing at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and I have another blog dedicated to posts about my singing and any concerts that I'm doing. It's nothing very big and I haven't posted a lot yet but I'm hoping that's going to change soon!

I'd love it if you guys checked it out and shared it because you never know how many people around you love classical music. All the information about me and my studies are over on my website. 

Thanks guys,

Take care x

Saturday 21 September 2013


So guys, just a wee apology beforehand in case this post becomes a little odd or incoherent but I've been working all day and I am so sleepy! I really wanted to share with you my thoughts on the No7 Essentially Natural Foundation however, so I did some before and after shots and observed the foundation throughout the day. Foundation spy!

I wore this foundation on Friday and meant to upload my post then but a spontaneous night out prevented me from doing so. I wore it again today and yesterday I discovered the wonder of straight Disaronno so maybe this was a win win situation! The before photo I took at about 12pm and the after photo was taken at about 9pm just before I went out. That perhaps wasn't an entire day but I kept this foundation on until 2am and if you believe me I can honestly say it looked about the same at that time as it does in the after photo.

The foundation glided on very smoothly to begin with and compared with my current foundation (Nars Sheer Glow) it was thicker but strangely enough had lighter coverage. I was actually quite chuffed that I'd managed to pick the right colour for me as I nearly always get it slightly off and end up buying something that is far too pink or far too dark!

It applied beautifully and really left the skin glowing which I find is quite rare in a drugstore foundation. They often leave skin looking heavy and caked. It layered beautifully over concealer and blended well into the neck. My T zone gets quite oily throughout the day and you can see in the after photo where the foundation has worn off a little. But I was really surprised at how evenly the foundation stayed on the face. Even after it had sunken into the skin slightly and had worn off it didn't get patchy at all. I was skeptical as to whether the foundation was worth the price - £9.95 - but I think it is. It's definitely one of the better drugstore foundations and I love how buildable it is from a very light coverage to a natural looking medium coverage which means I can add a bit more in areas of my face that have more redness.  

I think it's important to set the foundation though as it remains tacky throughout the day without powder and that can feel a bit weird. I quite like how the foundation goes further than you would expect. I tend to apply a blob on the back of my hand and then apply several dots of foundation around my face and then continue to blend them with a Real Technique Expert Face brush. I find these steps work well for me and you end up not wasting the foundation.

I really like this foundation, it was a happy accident as I bought it while exchanging a shower oil I didn't like. It might be too early to say but I think I might repurchase it. Let me know if you guys have tried this foundation too! Thanks for reading everyone!

Take care x

Wednesday 18 September 2013


Graze boxes have been here, there and everywhere for quite a while and so far everyone that I've known who has got one has loved it. When I noticed that my first box could be free I did a little jump in the air and hopped on the website to choose my little snacks. I'm such a kid.

When you join, you're given a selection of snacks and you can decide whether you want to bin, try, like or love them and according to those answers, graze will fill your box how every frequently you want with your choices. I love the quirky language they use slightly reminiscent of Innocent but still with their own humour and the little message on the back of the graze box instructing you to watch how you open it. So cute!

According to my answers, graze picked Florentine, a mixture of dark chocolate, cranberries and pumpkin seeds, I mean who doesn't want chocolate as a healthy snack. There was also My Thai, a sweet chilli sauce with baked soy bites and also Cheddar Gorge with cheese cashews, salsa corn sticks & herb crackers as well as Mississippi BBQ Pistachios with sassy smoked barbeque pistachios. Graze you hit the cashew on the head. Delish. 

 My mouth is currently drooling. Very unattractive. I haven't eaten them all yet as I'm savouring them but I did try one before writing a post about graze to be on the safe side. I chose Cheddar Gorge and took it with me to a badminton game to nibble on the sidelines while my other friends played each other. It was sooooooo good. It was perfect. Indulgent and cheesy but not overly so and it still tasted amazingly good for you. It wasn't greasy or left you wanting to wipe your fingers. It was simply perfectly sized, aesthetically pleasing and very flavoursome. There, I've made corn sticks sound like a dining room under going decorating. 

I am definitely excited about these boxes and ready to eat all the rest and order another one. I'm always hungry and this isn't great for keeping in shape so I love the idea of original tasting boxes that you can grab when you're craving the fatty usuals. Lovely. Plus I'm all about natural looking brown paper packaging. Just makes me think I'm eating proper beautiful natural food. Let me know what you think about graze

Take care x

Tuesday 17 September 2013

LUSH TRIO | My Lush Wishlist

I love going to Lush with friends, it means that I see them picking up things that I've never even considered. Brilliant for trying things I wouldn't normally go for, not so good for my pocket! So I hereby end my Lush Trio post with a cheeky little wishlist that I'm dying for! 

From left to right: Solid perfume - Love, FUN - Green, Fresh face masks - Cosmetic Warrior, Bubble bar - Karma, Bubble bar - A French Kiss, Fresh face masks - Brazened Honey, Hands and feet - Lemony Flutter, Bubble bar - Dorothy, Spot treatments - Grease Lightning

This is only a small selection of the products I'm dying to get from Lush and looking at all the gorgeous things in their shop this doesn't even make a dent in all the products I covet. 

There are a couple of products that I've never come across and then there's an old favourite A French Kiss. It just takes me to English country kitchens with gingham tablecloths and those bags of lavender your Granny used to fill her drawers with! I have heard unbelievably good things about Grease Lightning and FUN looks so weird! My friend Beth raves about their face masks which I'm ashamed to say I've never tried and I really should because there's an unhappy shortage of face masks in Boots and Superdrug and I bet Lush's face masks are great for my sensitive skin. Then there's the perfume which I've never tried and imagine as a stick stays on your skin very well as it's creamier. Plus, who doesn't need a little Love in their life? 

So that's my Lush Trio over and done with *sad face*. Let me know if you guys are enjoying these series because I'm definitely up for doing more and I think since I'm looking so forward to Christmas, I might have to post every day in December!

Take care guys x

Monday 16 September 2013

LUSH TRIO | The Sound Bath & Lush Spa Treatments

I've had a lot of tension in my shoulders and upper back recently and being a singer and focusing on my posture a lot of the time, I need to get that tight and sore feeling removed. I was looking up different places to get massages and of course there was Neal's Yard Remedies but I also came across Lush's Spa Treatments, something I'd never heard of. Their spa treatments are so original and unbelievably well thought out and their masseuses are trained to within an inch of their life to really give you the best massage possible. There are so many that I want to try but I thought I'd mention three of my favourite ones in this post.

The Tailor Made - £40
This massage is very like The Good Hour (an hour long massage focusing on aches and pains all over the body). It lasts for only 30 minutes though and focuses on a particular area of the body that you're having trouble with - perfect for me and my shoulders! This massage has a sea theme which I think is perfect because I've always found the sea and the ocean to be very calm and thoughtful places. The inventor of this massage uses particular movements developed by him which would just make this massage so much more original than all the others. Plus, each massage is accompanied with a calming playlist of sea shanties in the background!

The Sound Bath - £65
This next treatment is one that I am dying to try! If I had a spare sixty five pounds on my right now I would be there! This treatment is an hour long and is completely and utterly unique with the use of ear candles and tuning forks. It's intended to give you a meditative state and remove everything from your brain so you can just relax and feel just 'you'. When you arrive you are seated in a rustic looking kitchen with your therapist and given this wooden box with a little vial inside and special mushroom (I'm 'deadly' serious!) with the words 'Eat me' and 'Drink me' on them. Just like in Alice in Wonderland. The treatment moves you to another world and your head and face are massaged to clear your sinuses and remove all the impurities from your mind. The composer believes that the music we hear in every day life prevents us from truly meditating and he has specially composed pieces for the treatment which return to the purity of music. This treatment is perfect for people who don't like to have their bodies touched by strangers. I found out about this massage from one of the Lush Times and I want to have one so badly! I really need it right now.

The Validation Facial - £75

This treatment targets your face only and was created to make you feel confident and beautiful and ready to achieve anything with a range of Lush's face products. It is slightly pricey but you are given a consultation to select the right products. The facial is accompanied with beautiful music with words woven into the music specially made to make you feel confident and on top of the world. The music includes the beautiful rocking sound of the sea at Dorset captured by the co founder himself Mike Constantine. I really really want this facial, it sounds utterly amazing and relaxing and I could do with a push in the motivation department! Each treatment is intended to be a magical journey and I love this because it's so different from the usual massage you get where you're just plonked down and started on right away. These treatments are more of a relaxed caring process.

I hope you liked knowing about Lush Spa guys, I wouldn't be surprised if a few of you didn't know it existed and I'm desperate to try some of these treatments out! There are Lush Treatment Spas in Edinburgh, Kingston, Leeds, Liverpool, London Chelsea and Poole. The treatments are a bit pricey but for the overall experience and the care and attention to detail it's hardly that much. After all, you can't put a price on happiness! 

Take care x

Sunday 15 September 2013

LUSH TRIO | Dragon's Eggs and Lattes

I hope the moment you see the Lush logo it makes your legs go a little jelloid and a smile break across your face because that sure happens to me. The sweet luxurious aroma of their bath bombs and the natural pure smell of their face masks makes me turn cartwheels and so here are three posts all dedicated to Lush and its wonders.

I got my pay check on Friday and with my friend Beth, marched into Lush to spend my hard earned cash. I came across these gorgeous little lip tint pots. I'd never really looked at Lush's make up and the colour of Latte was just to die for.

I think Latte is fairly new on the market and the colour is just gorgeous. It's a deep bronze shimmer with a touch of pink and normally I wouldn't go for brown lip colours but the fact it has pink in it makes it good for paler skin tones as well as Asian and dark skin. 
What I love the most is that this new lip tint includes Lush's new source of Fairtrade Vanilla from Uganda and also surprisingly the price. You'd think that £5.75 was quite a lot for such a small pot but compared with other lip products on the market it's actually very reasonably priced and a little goes a massively long way. I'm also completely supportive of how natural their ingredients are and how much work it takes to make a little pot of love.

I also happened to pick up a new bath bomb. I've misplaced my Sunnyside bubble bar somewhere *sad face* and I needed something new to make my bath all sassy. 

I LOVE Dragon's Egg. It's everything you'd want in a bath bomb. It makes your bath a beautiful white creamy treat (kinda reminds me of how Cleopatra's asses milk bath used to look like! - and inside the bomb is popping candy, different swirls of colour and beautiful little paper dragon scales. Bizarre but lovely. 

You guys should really check out the article on Lush's Fairtrade Vanilla Absolute: Click here

Thanks for reading guys 

Take care x

Saturday 14 September 2013

BEST BOOTS THIS SEASON | Dune | Russell & Bromley | Kurt Geiger | Topshop

From left to right: Okada, Paddys,  Steve Madden Teritory, Ploy, Toffee
Dune has a delicious selection of boots this season. I first had a little peek just before my work shift when I had a few minutes to spare and fell in love with some real beauties. These boots aren't the most expensive on the market but they are pretty pricey, however, for well made leather boots I think the price is perfectly reasonable.

The Okada (£160) is a beautiful grungy brogue boot. It looks wonderfully sturdy and would look very cute with ankle socks and baggy boyfriend jeans. 

I am in love with the Paddys (£85). They are the perfect ankle boot for me. Simple, a workable nutty brown leather and goes with everything as well as being very comfy! I think these babies are lovely and as good boots go they definitely aren't the most expensive.

Steven Madden is big in the US and I have heard a lot about his shoes. These Teritory (£115) boots are chic, a very autumnal and juicy berry shade and working a melange of straps and buckles which are definitely still 'in' when it comes to boots this season.

The Ploy (£115) is a style of boot that is everywhere this season. A relaxed ankle boot with a couple of straps at the back below the ankle. This boot is perfect for those cold but dry days and the slight opening at the side allows for air to circulate around the foot. Nothing worse that tight sweaty feeling feet!

The Toffee (£149) is a riding boot and these are everywhere. It's tall, well fitted and has a buckle at the back for a bit of edge. The perfect pair of rainy day boots that would go with any outfit.

From left to right: Jagger, Orchid-Dry, Zip-Up, 50-50, Zena

Russell & Bromley is know to be a fabulous boot shop with good quality styles. It isn't the most pocket friendly shoe shop but the boots are very very well made and very stylish.

The Jagger (£395) is a gorgeous ankle boot in the style of a cowboy boot which is popular this season. It reminds me of Pirates of the Caribbean and the buckles and strings just make these babies such a statement. I would literally purchase them in a heartbeat if it wasn't for the hefty price tag.

The Orchid-Dry (£295) is actually a pair my sister purchased last winter. They are still around this season which goes to show how attractive they are. She loves them, the leather is beautifully crafted and they are by far the comfiest boots she's ever bought. They looks great on any size too.

The Zip-Up (£165) is essentially a shoe boot with a heel and these are everywhere. These are more of the simple boots you can find on the market and I think they work really well as work shoes for horrible rainy days. Perfect to keep your tootsies cosy!

Multiple material is very common the catwalk at the moment and 
the 50-50 (£395) has a mixture of black suede leather and a comfy stretchy material. The front panel moves all the way up the leg over the knee and this style is quite common on the high street at the moment. I think strangely enough, these boots can be perfect for women not too confident with their knees! I really don't like my knees and dread to imagine what they'll look like when I'm older!

The Zena (£275) has a lovely individual quilted pattern along the side of the boot. This grungy buckle type of boot has been around since the spring/summer season and it looks to be popular through autumn and winter too! These look hot with skinny jeans.

From left to right: Bonjour, Strike, Vanessa, Bedina, Shard
  I love Kurt Geiger. Their stilettos are beautiful and I popped in yesterday for a cheeky gander and their boots this season are to die for. A mixture of punky Miley Cyrus boots with grungy gold detailing and harsh lines. 

The Bonjour (£90) is almost everything I'd desire in a boot. The tough high heel for height and terrible weather. The straps and buckles that break up the heaviness of the boot and the gold detailing which I think makes any shoe look expensive. These boots are just gorgeous.

There are heavy gold chains everywhere on the high street now. They seem to have migrated from our necks to our toes! The Strike (£160) are a prime example. These ankle boots are perfectly simple black leather apart from a heavy gold chain over the arch of the foot. I'm undecided with these boots and I think I'd have to be in a particular mood to wear them but I quite like them all the same.

The Vanessa (£195) is a boot very reminiscent of Russell & Bromley's 50-50. The mixture of materials has arrived again and these boots are a little more slim lined and happily enough a lot cheaper!

The Wild West and cowboy attire is definitely inspiring this season's footwear. The Bedina (£190) is definitely influenced by cowboys but has a slightly more mature look to it. Perfect for more mature women who like that style but don't want to look like an actual cowboy! I love the slight ombre effect with the leather also.

The Shard (£170) is definitely a boot that makes me think of Miley Cyrus! I love the heavy gold buckled detailing. I know it isn't everyone's cup of tea but I just had to include these. They are definitely fun adolescent boots and would look lovely with some clothes from American Apparel and Urban Outfitters.

From left to right: Astrix 40, Gripped 75, Mania Shearling 38, Apache 90, Hunter Tall 85
I felt I had to include some cute boots on the high street with a slightly cheaper price tag. Boots are so expensive! 

The Astrix (£40) is considerably cheaper than many of the boots in the post and actually it makes them quite a steal! The big heel is very 'in' at the moment as is the floral material.

I love the Gripped (£75) boots. They are so chic and feminine and these stiletto boots are everywhere at the moment as is this gorgeous aubergine colour. 

Now for you loves out there who just like some comfy chilled out flat boots with a sassy bit of fur, these are perfect! The Mania Shearling (£38) boots are perfect and very indie which is quite rare on the high street now in boots. They are also velvet which is so luxurious and a great talking point. And of course, velvet is everywhere right now!

I am in love with these Apache (£90) boots. They would not suit me but they are genuinely gorgeous. The cut outs work so well and don't prevent them from being boots since the chunky heel protects the shoe in puddles. The patent red colour is very Christmassy and I just love them so much in general. So grungy.

The last pair of boots is this gigantic post are the humble but still very popular Tall Hunter (£85) wellies. You can purchase these in many places not just Topshop but I found such an adorable bright red pair on their website. If your boots have holes in them, are painful, are lost, or you just haven't got round to buying a pair, the trust Hunter welly is always there for festivals and those wet and rainy walks in the park with your blessed pooch. Perfect.

So guys, that was a HUGE post but I hope it gave you a bit of insight into the beautiful boots on the high street this season. Happy choosing! Love you guys:

Take care x

Wednesday 11 September 2013


I LOVE tags! Maybe it's because I'm nosy, I don't know. Surely everyone is, a little...? I've seen this tag floating around youtube and I thought I'd give it a go. It looks fun and no it isn't about 'that'. Cheeky!

Do you still talk to your first love?     


What was your first alcoholic drink?

Golly! I don't know. I imagine a sip of wine that my parents let me try when I was tiny. My first proper drink was probably a peach schnapps at my best friend's house. Classy, I know.                    

Who was your first grade teacher?

I'm guessing that's the first teacher I had. Her name was Miss MacDonald, she was curvy, had dark hair and a scar on her lip. She was very nice.

Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?

It was a 45 minute flight to Dublin, Ireland. I went with my sister and I was petrified.

Who was your first best friend & do you still talk?

I met a bunch of people all at once but yes I do still talk and keep in touch with the person I consider to be my first best friend despite the fact our lives are quite different.

Where was your first sleep over?

I think it was at my first best friend's house when my parents had to shove off somewhere on their own. 

Who was the first person you talked to today?

I think my Mum.

Whose wedding were you in the first time?

My godfather's wedding. It was a punjabi wedding and there were a lot of translators. It was cool but I would have liked some of the cake!

What was the first thing you did this morning?

Pee and then watch some youtube videos!

What was the first concert you ever went to?

Probably Kylie! Hahaha.

First broken bone?

Never broken any of my bones and hope never to in the future *touches wood*

First piercing?

My earlobes. Though now only my right earlobe because the silly lady mucked up the other ear and made it squint so I took it out.

First foreign country you've gone to?

First movie you remember seeing?

Probably Disney's Cinderella. I cried.

When was your first detention?

Never had a proper detention. First lunchtime detention was for eating in the school.

Who was your first roommate?

Never had a roommate!

If you had one wish, what would it be?

Oh gosh! One of my wishes is that, I would succeed at uni. 

What is one thing you would learn if you had the chance?

The language Italian! I'd love to study and visit Italy. 

What were the first lessons you ever took?

Other than normal school lessons, probably piano lessons!
What was your first job?   

Working as a waitress in a restaurant. I still work there.

What was your first car?

Never had one. Don't know how to drive yet.

Who was the first person to text you today?

My best friend, Claire.

Who is the first person you thought of this morning?

Oh goodness knows. Probably shouldn't like to say! Hehe...

Who was the first 'beauty - related' blog you ever read on Blogger?   

This is tricky! The first blog was probably Plasmaspeedo. She doesn't really do beauty but she does a lot of nail art. I still watch her videos actually.

So guys, I hope you enjoyed that a bit and it made a little change from what I normally post! Have a nice day guys and as always:

Take care x

Monday 9 September 2013


 We all have tough days and some of us make it better by having relaxing baths, painting our toes or doing some baking. Me, however, like many others, take our stress out on Boots. And we are not ashamed. Girl power!

I'd been meaning to get a new They're Real! mascara from Benefit and also noticed some other gorgeous things at the counter. There's a new fake tan coming out soon and several new palettes as well. I also came across the Watt's Up! highlighter which I've heard a little about but didn't really like the blog swatches. I swatched it myself though and as usual fell in love with it. 

I also had a voucher for No 7 - I mean, when does Boots ever not have an offer for No 7! - and picked up this gorgeous shimmery dark red polish called Salsa. Summer officially ends in under two weeks and it's been chilly where I live recently and I'm starting to get into the autumn mood. I love autumn! This colour is such a delicious autumn/winter colour. Love it!

I also got a free Triple Performing Facial Emulsion eye cream with two purchases from Benefit and I haven't tried it or really know anything about it but it's meant to reduce puffy eyes and generally just pamper your peepers, perfect for chilly winter days! It also has SPF 15 which must be good! 

I hope you enjoyed my haul guys! It's nice to be back to regularly posting on my blog. 

Take care x

Thursday 5 September 2013


Last weekend, I had a beautiful long weekend away with my family to a big hotel in Crieff. The Crieff Hydro is a lovely luxurious hotel with delicious food, a beautiful spa, idyllic grounds and every good thing. It has so many happy memories for me from childhood right up until the present day and I filmed a little vlog everyday of the weekend. 

I started vlogging at the beginning of January and it's now September and I have kept up my resolution all this time and I really hope fingers crossed I keep going! I just thought you guys might like to see a video from my channel about Crieff Hydro and a little taster of my vlogs.

I hope you don't mind this little plug guys, I'm so proud of myself that I've managed this far - I'm so bad at sticking to my goals! Hope you all are having a lovely holiday:

Take care x