Wednesday 11 September 2013


I LOVE tags! Maybe it's because I'm nosy, I don't know. Surely everyone is, a little...? I've seen this tag floating around youtube and I thought I'd give it a go. It looks fun and no it isn't about 'that'. Cheeky!

Do you still talk to your first love?     


What was your first alcoholic drink?

Golly! I don't know. I imagine a sip of wine that my parents let me try when I was tiny. My first proper drink was probably a peach schnapps at my best friend's house. Classy, I know.                    

Who was your first grade teacher?

I'm guessing that's the first teacher I had. Her name was Miss MacDonald, she was curvy, had dark hair and a scar on her lip. She was very nice.

Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?

It was a 45 minute flight to Dublin, Ireland. I went with my sister and I was petrified.

Who was your first best friend & do you still talk?

I met a bunch of people all at once but yes I do still talk and keep in touch with the person I consider to be my first best friend despite the fact our lives are quite different.

Where was your first sleep over?

I think it was at my first best friend's house when my parents had to shove off somewhere on their own. 

Who was the first person you talked to today?

I think my Mum.

Whose wedding were you in the first time?

My godfather's wedding. It was a punjabi wedding and there were a lot of translators. It was cool but I would have liked some of the cake!

What was the first thing you did this morning?

Pee and then watch some youtube videos!

What was the first concert you ever went to?

Probably Kylie! Hahaha.

First broken bone?

Never broken any of my bones and hope never to in the future *touches wood*

First piercing?

My earlobes. Though now only my right earlobe because the silly lady mucked up the other ear and made it squint so I took it out.

First foreign country you've gone to?

First movie you remember seeing?

Probably Disney's Cinderella. I cried.

When was your first detention?

Never had a proper detention. First lunchtime detention was for eating in the school.

Who was your first roommate?

Never had a roommate!

If you had one wish, what would it be?

Oh gosh! One of my wishes is that, I would succeed at uni. 

What is one thing you would learn if you had the chance?

The language Italian! I'd love to study and visit Italy. 

What were the first lessons you ever took?

Other than normal school lessons, probably piano lessons!
What was your first job?   

Working as a waitress in a restaurant. I still work there.

What was your first car?

Never had one. Don't know how to drive yet.

Who was the first person to text you today?

My best friend, Claire.

Who is the first person you thought of this morning?

Oh goodness knows. Probably shouldn't like to say! Hehe...

Who was the first 'beauty - related' blog you ever read on Blogger?   

This is tricky! The first blog was probably Plasmaspeedo. She doesn't really do beauty but she does a lot of nail art. I still watch her videos actually.

So guys, I hope you enjoyed that a bit and it made a little change from what I normally post! Have a nice day guys and as always:

Take care x

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