Thursday 26 September 2013


I've been shopping at Lush for years but I've never tried any of the face masks. They have such a lovely selection tailored to specific facial needs and I can't believe I haven't tried any of them before since there is such a poor selection of face masks in the drugstore. 

As a teenager I have annoying hormonal skin. I mean who doesn't at that age! And spots just pop up in random places on my face all the time. I consulted a lovely girl at Lush and she advised me to choose Cosmetic Warrior which I'd actually coincidentally had my eye on. It's a lovely gentle mask that combats spots and soothes hormonal redness. It has fresh garlic, tea tree and kaolin as well as the magic ingredient honey. It is so cooling and creamy and hardens after 10 or so minutes. I do sometimes find the garlic a little over powering but it really is such a brilliant face mask. It reduces spots and soothes the redness and also leaves skin glowing and feeling completely and utterly replenished. Bliss.

I'm really in love with this face mask and it lasts approximately three uses. For best results, it's best to keep it in the fridge as this keeps it cool and since it is essentially filled with natural ingredients the fridge keeps the ingredients active for longer. If you return five of these empty tubs to Lush you actually get a free face mask!

Have any of you guys tried this face mask? Or any others from Lush? Let me know!

Take care x

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